Sims 4 Female Alpha Hair CC: The Ultimate Collection
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Even though I prefer Maxis Match textures, I absolutely cannot deny how stunning Alpha CC hairs look.
Seriously, some of the best Sims 4 CC creators release exclusively Alpha CC content, and their hairstyles are a thing of actual beauty. The shine, the softness, the level of detail?
I could wax poetic all day, but I don’t think anyone wants that. So I’ll just list out some of my favorite female Alpha CC hairs – all free to download.
1. Newsea Foam Summer – Retexture by Aveira

There’s something so insanely attractive about short, wavy pixie cuts.
I love straight, blunt-cut bobs as much as the next person, but light curls really just hit different. Plus they add so much body.
Aveira’s retexture of Newsea’s Foam Summer hair is cute, chill, and and undeniably sweet!
2. Seventh Heaven by Obsidian Sims

Don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty sure this hair is a modified “hime” cut. Maybe.
The creator doesn’t explicitly say so, but the blunt front bangs paired with the slightly longer chunks of side bangs seem to resemble the popular Asian haircut quite well. It gives off such a sweetheart vibe, too!
3. Snapdragon Hair by Obsidian Sims

Far be it from me to shoehorn a hairstyle into a certain category, but this Snapdragon ‘do by Obsidian Sims feels very sporty.
I mean, I’m fully aware that actual athletes wouldn’t dare keep their hair as loose and as playfully tousled as this.
But there’s something about the face-framing bangs, the half-high ponytail, and the severe layering that just makes the hair look effortlessly cool.
4. Valerie Hairstyle by DarkNighTt

This style’s spunky and brimming with ‘tude!
Like I said; I do love stylishly blunt-cut bobs. The volume of the cut and the slight waves keep this from being too stick-straight. I think that’s a huge reason why it looks so interesting. It’s artfully edgy with an eye-catching silhouette!
5. Tasha Hairstyle by Anto

In this instance, both the custom hair and the Sim model wearing it are gorgeous. Of course I’m going to recommend it!
Tasha is a headful of luscious dreads softened with fuzzy edges and sweetly-styled baby hairs.
And she comes in plenty of natural and dyed pastel options.
6. ER0115 – Fluffy Long Curly Hair by WingsSims

I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve recommended this hairdo by WingsSims, but I don’t see myself stopping any time soon.
It is just so pretty!
Fluffy curls, plenty of volume, great texture, stray hairs for bonus realism points… it’s a fantastic look.
7. Female Hair G51 Pigtail by Daisy-Sims

Proof that pigtails work for all age groups.
Daisy-Sims’ G51 Pigtail hair is equal parts adorable and badass. It gives off the vibe of someone who doesn’t mind being seen as ‘young’ or ‘cute’ because they’re confident in their competence.
And, quite possibly, their ability to stomp on anyone who gets in their way.
8. Hair 029X by kotehok

It may be because of the background in the preview photo or because of the Sim model, but kotehok’s Hair 029X gives off some intense sweet country gal vibes.
I mean, the only way this would look even more storybook wholesome is if the creator added a big, floppy bow.
Even without it, the gentle twists, curls, and plain middle part are more than enough to add to the ‘innocent flower’ aura.
9. Hair N58 – Audrey by S-Club

Here’s another hairstyle that suits only the soft, wholesome, and pure-of-heart.
I’m kidding.
But you have to admit; the loose, intricate braids, tucked bun, and face-framing strands feel very Disney Princess-esque. Doesn’t matter what color it’s in; this cut screams poised, dainty, and incapable of hurting a fly!
10. Pink Wind by Obsidian Sims

I know I’m three for three in the ‘sweet and innocent’ department, but I promise; there is no pattern. I’ve got other styles on this list.
These dolls lining up was just pure coincidence.
That being said, Pink Wind is definitively just as doll-like and dainty as the previous two ‘dos. It’s short, wispy, and looks absolutely natural in bright candy pink.
Despite the name, Pink Wind doesn’t just come in, well. Pink.
It has 58 color options, and not all are of the cotton-candy persuasion.
11. Zendaya Hairstyle by Anto

As someone completely enamored with Zendaya, I had to try this custom ‘do.
I was not disappointed.
It looks stunning both in CAS and in-game, and it has plenty of color options to work with various skin colors. In fact, it’s got a solid hundred shades, so. Have fun experimenting!
12. Female Hair G39 by Daisy-Sims

This hair can take your Sim from cute office worker to sassy club goer in a matter of seconds.
The duality is insane. With light makeup and a pantsuit, it’s short and girl-boss-practical. With a bold lip, sharp liner, and a bodycon dress? It’s foxy femme fatale.
Seriously one of the most versatile cuts I’ve had the pleasure of trying out!
13. Grooming Hair by Reina Sims4

This here’s a pigtail option that’s plucky and playful without feeling cringingly childish.
There is a level of cuteness to it – because I think that’s inevitable with pigtails – but it’s perfectly balanced out by the fluffed out ends and the asymmetrical bangs.
It basically doesn’t shove its adorableness in your face.
14. Hair #11 by Jino

This is one of the more unique styles I’ve seen ‘round the ol’ TS4 CC block, and I really like it.
You can’t go wrong with a short, layered cut and wispy fringe, but Jino adds an extra helping of cute to their Hair 11 with a teeny side ponytail.
It’s not even a full pony; just a tiny tuft of hair bunched up and tied at the left side. So adorable!
15. LeahLillith Heartburn – Retexture by Aveira

This is one of my favorite hairs from Leah Lillith. In fact, I think I’ve mentioned (once or twice) that I use the clayified Maxis-match version by kotcat for one of my OG Sims.
The original mesh is gorgeous as is (and also happens to be Alpha CC!) so feel free to check it out! But I’m linking Aveira’s recolor + retexture here because it adds a boatload of new solid colors and gradient combos.
16. Ainhoa by Anto

Anto is one of those Sims 4 CC creators that is so effortlessly skilled, everything they put out is a masterpiece.
Seriously; everything on this download page is stunning. The Sim model, the hair colors, the hair itself? All gorgeous.
If you ever need some natural, textured hair in 60 pretty colors, Ainhoa’s a solid choice.
17. Short Hair with Buns (Nana) by S-Club

I don’t know anyone IRL who can pull off space buns like these. Lord knows I can’t.
However, I’ve created – and seen – many a Sim look flawlessly kickass in them.
So here’s a quick custom recommendation from S-Club.
This Nana hair is equal parts neat, symmetrical, and yet somehow so wholesomely playful!
18. Hair 094 by kotehok

I do love myself a good loose pony.
I mean, one generally ties their hair to make it neat and/or get it out of the way.
But hey; who can argue with style? This wavy, beautifully defined masterpiece is an absolute delight to work with both in CAS and in-game!
19. Female Hair G29 by Daisy-Sims

This ponytail may not be as loose as the previous one (by kotehok), but it’s definitely not what one would consider neat, either.
Errant strands, slightly puffed-out clumps, and stray bangs blowing every which way? It’s the kind of tousled that’s definitely deliberate.
I bet this ponytail has Pinterest tutorials on how to achieve it.
20. TZ0926 by WingsSims

Nice, elegant, and breezy.
WingsSims never disappoints with their CC. And, as you can see, TZ0926 is another definite hit.
Loose waves, lots of body, and a messed-up hairline for a touch of realism. Lots of delicate face-framing strands, too!
21. WingsSims’ OE0106 Hair Retexture by Sharareh

Another old favorite that I find myself coming back to.
Sharareh’s retexture of this hair by WingsSims makes it look super soft and touchable.
I like how the hair looks painted and filtered (yes, even in-game) without losing the essential photoskinned look of Alpha CC.
22. Quilla Side Halo Braid by Ebonix

Flaunt your Sim’s sass with Ebonix’s Quilla side braid!
It’s a simple plaited ‘do that’s sleek and so, so stylish.
It kinda looks like the kind of hair badass POC Instagram influencers flawlessly pull off on a regular basis.
23. Miley Hair by Anto

Not sure if this haircut is named after Miley Cyrus (I do recall her sporting this close-cropped cut several times) or if it’s purely coincidence.
What I am sure of is that this simple style gives off nice, chilled vibes. It balances out all the other wild, whacky, and borderline avant-garde hairs on this list.
24. Vera Hair by TsimnhSims

It’s crazy how something so simple can grab so much attention and turn an otherwise plain bob into a stylish, unique hairdo.
I am, of course, talking about that clump of stray strands that the Sim seemingly missed when tucking their hair behind their ear. It’s almost criminally charming!
25. Pong Pong Hair by Reina Sims4

If you can’t choose between pigtails or space buns, why not find middle ground? Reina Sims4’s Pong Pong hair is a cute compromise between low pigtails and high space buns.
Whatever this style is called, it is undeniably cute n’ chic.
26. Natural Windy Hairstyles with Bun JISU by S-Club

There are loose ponytails, there are messy buns, and there windblown bangs.
S-Club’s JISU hair is – somehow – a combination of all three.
It’s not tightly tucked enough to be a bun. It’s also not a loose, low ponytail. And, as you can clearly see in the preview photo, there are plenty of windswept strands that simply refused to be tied down.
Somehow, all three elements work together to make this hairstyle look elegant!
27. Edwina Hairstyle by DarkNighTt

Edwina is stunning, saucy, and incredibly detailed. You can never have too many dreads and/or cornrow options in your CAS catalog.
Might as well pick the ones with kickass quality, righty?
In that regard, DarkNighTt definitely delivers!
28. WingsSims OS 0226 – Retexture by Aveira

If straight and silky-smooth hairstyles are more your jam, you might like Aveira’s retexture of WingsSims’ OS0226 hair.
It’s a simple lengthy cut with some subtle, out-of-place strands and a classic middle part. It’s simple — and super wholesome!
29. Hair 076X by kotehok

Thought I’d end this list with a bang.
And by ‘bang,’ I mean this crazy complicated hairdo by kotehok.
It’s got bangs, it’s got braids, and it’s got intricate space buns!
Definitely doesn’t pass for a casual day look but, hey. If you’re following some sort of space/fantasy theme for your Sims, this is a great hairdo to have on-hand.