Best Nickelodeon CC for The Sims 4 (All Free)
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Growing up, I would only watch two channels: Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon.
We didn’t have the Disney Channel and I was too young to appreciate the gems on other networks (like National Geographic or Discovery). So it was either CN, Nick, or bust.
So it’s safe to say that Nickelodeon shows – especially the cartoons – were a big part of my childhood.
And as it turns out, combining Nickelodeon-flavored nostalgia with Sims 4 CC yields some pretty interesting results. And pretty colorful CAS + Build/Buy items, too.
Check out all of this great free TS4 x Nick CC!
1. 2000s Nostalgia Nick Cartoons by Kay-On

If you grew up watching the likes of Hey Arnold!, Jimmy Neutron, SpongeBob SquarePants, and The Fairly Odd Parents, then these posters are probably making you feel a bit wistful.
So go ahead and hang ‘em up in your Sims’ rooms! They’re cute, nostalgic, and they make for quirky décor.
2. Rugrats (SET) xo by SugaredTerror

The Rugrats is a classic Nickelodeon show that I followed religiously.
It helps that the characters were so darn cute and the episode plots were so darn wholesome.
Thanks to SugaredTerror, your Sim’s little scamp can have the likeness of Tommy Pickles, Chuckie Finster, and more all over their brightly-colored walls.
3. Spongebob Sweatshirts for Boys by Akisima

As a show that has definitely cemented its place in meme culture, SpongeBob SquarePants is full of characters, concepts, and one-liners that appeal to almost everyone’s humor.
And as a proud creation from Nickelodeon Studios, these Spongebob Sweatshirts by Akisima belong on this list.
The shirts are a practical, layered, long-sleeved top with three different SBSP designs: Patrick, Squidward, and – of course – SpongeBob himself!
4. SpongeBob SquarePants Shirts by Zane Drake

Don’t worry; Adults and Young Adults get a SpongeBob shirt, too!
Funnily enough, Akisima’s Spongebob Sweatshirts for kids have tamer, more minimalist designs compared to this Adult-sized tee by Zane Drake. The six prints are a lot messier and a lot zanier.
I mean, Handsome Squidward, Handsome Squidward multiplied exponentially, and regular Squidward dabbing?
The t-shirt makes a statement, for sure, but it also begs a question.
5. Avatar the Last Airbender Shirts for Females by Velouriah

Of course I’m going to find a way to insert Avatar: the Last Airbender in here.
It’s a Nickelodeon show that I followed – and cried over – well into my teens.
If you’re talking Nick classics, ATLA’s a solid contender. And these shirts by Velouriah are also solid pieces of CC. They’re simple, wearable, and aesthetically minimalist.
6. Rugrats Inspired T-Shirts by pixiesandghosts

Show your love for The Rugrats babies by dressing your Sims’ own baby in these adorable printed tees!
I love that the shirt graphics are simple enough to pass as general, generic designs.
Only true fans of the show would know that the happy green dino is Reptar, the yellow planet mimics the print on Chuckie’s go-to top, and the shirt with the duck in the corner is reminiscent of the twins’ (Phil and Lil) everyday getup.
Basically, even if you don’t know the Rugrats, these tops still pass as cute, colorful, nonspecific Toddler tees!
7. Katara & Yue Hair by jhoca

Jhoca makes life for us Sims x ATLA fans a little easier by creating custom TS4 hairs based on Katara’s and Yue’s hairstyles (arguably two of the hardest styles in the franchise to achieve).
Katara’s is a frankenmesh edit (original meshes not needed!) that adds her distinctive tiny bun and hair loopies. Yue’s (which you can download here) has two thick braids framing her face and – of course – her own iconic hair loopies up top.
8. Prince Zuko’s Scars from Avatar the Last Airbender by Velouriah

I could write a whole dissertation’s worth (and then some) on why ATLA’s character design is so superb—but you didn’t come here for that.
So I’ll just link Velouriah’s awesome, TS4-friendly version of Prince Zuko’s distinguishing mark (read: his scar) here.
Even if you accurately sculpt his face in CAS and download an exact 3D replica of his hair, your Sims!Zuko won’t look or feel complete without the burn scar. Trust me.
9. Avatar Aang’s Airbender Tattoos and Scars by Velouriah

Same argument applies with everyone’s favorite avatar, Aang.
No amount of 3D-sculpting and 2D clothing converting will make your Sims version of Aang look like Aang until you add his airbending tattoos.
The same TS4 CC creator (Velouriah) gives us these awesome custom arrow markings in both blue and white (for when Aang enters the Avatar State).
10. Cat Costume – Gary the Snail with Extra Recolor by IndigoMoon!

If you can’t accurately recreate a talking yellow sponge in your Sims 4 game (which sounds pretty difficult, not gonna lie) you can at least get his pet!
IndigoMoon! gives us a custom Gary the Snail costume for cats.
This wearable CAS cosmetic can completely transform any cat in-game into the sassy, sarcastic, sea-dwelling gastropod we all know and love.
And since Gary the Snail actually does meow in the cartoon, I’d say this CC is pretty spot-on!
11. Korra’s Top & Gloves by Simcandescent Sims

Love her or hate her, you gotta admit; Avatar Korra’s character design managed to stay visually pleasing throughout all four books.
Her final look in Book 4 – blue turtleneck, long gloves, stylishly short hair – was especially appealing!
If you ever feel the need to recreate the fiery, ferocious avatar in TS4 CAS, Simcandescent Sims’ CAS set should give you most of what you need!
12. Rugrats Cynthia Beds by KawaiiStacie

I know it seems like there’s a lot of Rugrats-themed CC on this list, but I can’t help that the cartoon was just that memorable, okay?
Lots of TS4 CC creators seem to have retained even the most obscure details in the show. Including, as you can see, Angelica Pickles’ questionably-styled doll, Cynthia (their universe’s version of Barbie, I expect).
The doll’s hair makes sense once you remember that Angelica is a precocious three-year-old, so. At least she managed to make her Cynthia doll stand out!
These Cynthia-themed beds by KawaiiStacie are a little disturbing at first, but the nostalgia feels are enough to warrant a download.
13. Mommy & Me Rugrats Décor Set by planetkawaii

More Rugrats stuff?
You betcha!
This set is a pretty unexpected gem from planetkawaii. It adds more than ten new custom furniture and décor items, all covered in beloved cartoon baby characters.
When used in one room, the Build & Buy stuff in this set can be a bit overwhelming (especially the wallpaper swatches littered with Reptar’s snarling head). But if used sparingly and/or as accents? It’s a novel concept.
It’s also ridiculously cute!
14. SpongeBob Costumes by Os Sims 4

Remember what I said earlier about recreating a talking yellow sponge in your TS4 game, and how it’d be pretty difficult?
I stand corrected.
I did not anticipate a creator creating full-bodied costumes and CAS sets for your Sims to accurately portray our favorite Bikini Bottom residents, but there you go.
Much like the Gary the Snail costume for your cat, your Sim only needs to wear these (surprisingly accurate) CAS cosmetics and, voila.
You’ve got SpongeBob Squarepants, Squidward Tentacles, Mr. Krabs, and Patrick Star swimming around in your EA gallery.
15. Blue’s Clues Toddler Tee by hannahgaskarth

In 2021, Steve Burns – aka just Steve from Blue’s Clues – delivered a heartwarming video message that spoke to the kid in all of us.
For those of us who grew up watching him hunt for Blue’s aptly-named clues, the video hit right in the feels.
So for a healthy dose of wholesome nostalgia to wrap this list, we’ve got a cute li’l Toddler tee from hannahgaskarth.
It is, indeed, Blue’s Clues-themed!
One design features the show’s logo and the other features Blue herself: that adorable, sky-colored Beagle puppy (not confirmed) who liked leaving her pawprints on the most random of items.