Best Colonial House Lots For The Sims 4 (CC & CC-Free)
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Part of The Sims 4’s appeal is being able to afford gorgeous (and spacious) custom-built homes.
You can design them however you’d like and fill them with all the furniture and decorations your heart desires.
Do you want to live in a modern day mansion? Totally doable, just using default items.
If you want to live in a historic building, though, you’re going to need to look beyond the base game – especially if you’re not interested in doing the building by hand!
Thankfully there are tons of colonial house lots out there. The only difficult part is finding ones that are good enough to have stood the test of time.
1. Georgian Colonial

This Georgian colonial lot is exactly what I picture when I think of colonial homes.
Red brick and white trim? Check.
Flowered window sills and pillars? Check, and check.
That’s only counting the outside, and the interior is just as picturesque as the exterior. There’s even a piano and a sitting area by the fireplace!
While it is fully furnished, a few clutter packs would truly bring this lot to life.
The pristine kitchen, for example, could really use a few classic Southern cookbooks.
2. Mayflower Colonial

The colonial era wasn’t our best time period, that’s for sure.
As cool as it would be to live in a pretty colonial home, the modern era, with all of its conveniences, is too good to give up.
In that spirit, this Mayflower-inspired lot has a colonial lower floor and a totally normal, modern upper floor.
Anyone living here would be able to enjoy contemporary goodies and historical ones at the same time!
It’s located in Willow Creek, is completely decorated, and comes with its own little lore about who lives inside, which you can read about on the download page.
3. Duxbury Colonial CC

This house is based off of the colonial residential homes in Duxbury, Massachusetts.
Although it’s not based on a specific historical building (as far as I’m aware of), the overall build matches the design of historic Duxbury homes perfectly.
But you won’t have to worry about faulty pipes or outdated insulation in this house lot, since it’s been revamped for contemporary life – not that you’d have to worry about those things in The Sims anyway!
This house is fully furnished and move-in ready, but there’s still room for adding your own personal touch in the form of decorations.
4. 1940s Colonial Family Home

Rather than geographic location like the other homes we’ve looked at, this 1940s colonial lot is based on a decade – which makes sense, since it’s for the Decades Challenge!
While it does fit in with a 1940s-style game, there are some modern elements (like a coffee machine in a contemporary design) that wouldn’t be a common sight in a 1940s colonial family home.
Of course, since it was built to use in someone’s game, it’s fully furnished.
It even has cute decorations and furnished bedrooms!
Unfortunately, it has a long list of necessary game packs if you want to use every item that’s included.
You can still use the lot without those game packs, but you’ll be missing some things (which you could always make up with CC).
5. Cute Colonial Family Home

If there’s one thing the colonial era excelled in, it was having great, big families.
This colonial family home will let you house all the sim babies you could possibly want. Go wild!
You could even have grandma and grandpa living in the same building.
There are 4 bedrooms plus a loft here, so why not?
This lot was also made to be a great home for dog breeders, so it has plenty of room in the yard and indoors.
Since raising a family (whether dog or human) can be a very straining affair, this house is furnished with modern amenities, furniture, and decorations.
6. Colonial House (CC-Free)

Custom content can make or break a house lot in many cases.
But for as much as it adds extra detail and depth to a build, it adds inconvenience too.
There’s nothing worse than trying to find a quick home lot to put into your game in an attempt to save time and end up taking forever to choose a lot, making sure you have all of the necessary game packs, and then downloading all of the CC that was used.
This CC-free colonial home will have no such problem.
It has a bit of a rustic vibe, but is totally furnished with items from the base game.
7. Modern Colonial House (CC-Free)

This Modern Colonial House is another custom lot that doesn’t require any other CC or packs.
Download, install, and you’re done.
It’s CC-free just like the previous home, but with a modern twist!
It’s also the first colonial house on this list to have a gazebo in the yard, which is a tragedy in my opinion.
In America, gazebos were popularized in the 1800s (long after the colonial period, in the 1600s-1700s). So this lot does a great job of fitting the look of a modern, revamped colonial house.
8. Autumnal Colonial

In The Sims 4, you can choose your entire home based on the season.
After all, real-world seasons last months at a time. That’s enough time for whole generations to pass by in The Sims!
This Autumnal Colonial lot is filled to the brim with fall themed decorations and furniture – it even has a pumpkin patch in the yard.
It’s really a quite modern build, but the house itself is colonial style.
If you fell in love with the building but you can’t deal with going all autumn all the time, then most of the decorations could be removed or replaced to turn this lot into something less seasonal.
9. Colonial Dream House

Many colonial houses, at least when it comes to Sims 4 lots, are built for the wealthy.
Since they’re huge and often historic buildings, it stands to reason that only those with extra simoleons to play with could afford to live in one.
Well this Colonial Dream House takes that to the next level.
Every room is filled to the brim with luxurious furniture, and there are a ton of rooms!
It’s truly a dream house.
But in The Sims 4 anyone could call it their own.