The Sims 4: Best Light Makeup CC & Mods For Your Child Sims
This post may contain affiliate links. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. (Learn more).This list is all about child-friendly CC items you didn’t know you needed:
Face paint, overlays for red noses, and even high-quality versions of things already in-game, such as freckles and moles.
All the CC we’ve collected in this list is perfect for the average Simmer wanting more CAS CC for children, without going too alpha, or way too heavy when it comes to makeup.
And with so many options we’re confident you’ll find something you like!
15. Shy Blush
This CC by Margeh-75 adds a super subtle touch of color to your child Sim’s cheeks without going too far.
It’s an overlay that’s great for use during special events or for storytelling/immersion purposes, like if your Sim is cold, embarrassed, or just shy.
You’ll actually find this one in face paint instead of blush, and can be worn by both male and female child Sims.
14. Kijiko’s 3D Lashes for Kids
Maxis Match or Alpha, CC enthusiast or purists – when it comes to Kijiko’s 3D lashes, everyone agrees that it’s lightyears better than the in-game eyelash options.
This highly praised creation is a favorite for older Sims.
But did you know there was a version for children, too?
Yep, your kiddos can also have lashes that actually look like lashes.
It’s a small touch, but one that makes a huge difference.
13. MP Natural Eyeliner for Child
We really need a pre-teen life stage.
Because this natural child eyeliner CC from MartyP would be perfect for a tween-aged Sim experimenting with their first makeup palette.
Alas, since no such life stage exists, you can use your imagination by using this on a child Sim who is close to aging up.
There’s three swatches in total, and you’ll find it in the skin detail category.
12. Red Nose Blush Kids
Calling all Simmmers who love visual immersion and storytelling, this one’s for you!
Reevaly’s Red Nose Blush is an adorable four-swatch overlay for your female child and toddler Sims.
It turns those cute little button noses into a cute shade of red.
Definitely an awesome touch for Sims who live in areas with harsh winters, or even when the kiddos are battling colds.
But no need to own Seasons to use it, as it’s base-game compatible.
11. IMF Fairy Facepaint
One of the best perks from The Sims 3 Seasons were the festivals, where Sims of all ages could have their faces painted.
It was a nice touch that’s still missed in The Sims 4.
But we can always bridge the gap with great CC facepaints.
This IMF Fairy Facepaint by IzzieMcFire is ethereal, with frosty white glitter and butterflies.
It would work for both a unique Spooky Day costume and a cool Winterfest look.
Children through Adults can wear this six-swatch HQ facepaint, which you’ll find in the skin detail category.
10. Face Freckles HQ
As one of few truly natural overlays on this list, we can’t express just how great Alf-Si’s Face Freckles are.
It takes the in-game vaguely-defined freckles and turns them into high quality overlays, available in three 100% and two 50% opacity options for a total of five variations.
We’d highly recommend this one for Alpha users, or for players who just like a sharper image when it comes to face details.
Just note that it’s for human Sims only, and can be worn from Child through Elder stages.
9. Tribal Face
Party, festival, sleepover…
No matter the occasion, your child Sims will love this custom tribal face makeup.
Creator Tatygagg’s overlay features a unique tribal-like design centered on the forehead and around the eyes.
It’s a totally HQ look, and one of few that can be worn by everyone if you like (female/male, humans/aliens, and child through elders).
You’ll get this in 36 different colors, and it can be found in the eyeshadow category.
8. ShojoAngel Lip Set
One look at this preview image and you can see that ShojoAngel’s custom lip set is all natural.
Yep, no crazy colors here.
Just a high-quality overlay for those who like a more realistic look on their Sims.
This one can only be worn by female child Sims. And while we count a minimum of two swatches, it’s possible that there are even more.
Look for it in the lipstick category.
7. Alice in Wonderland Child Face
One of the most beloved literary characters is now available as an inspired makeup overlay for your littlest Sims.
This custom Alice in Wonderland CC by Persephaney incorporates the most famous elements of Alice’s outfit into its color palette:
More specifically, some light blue eyeshadow and a heart beneath the left eye.
It’s a fun & subtle look, and there’s also a matching Alice in Wonderland costume by the same creator if you want to coordinate!
6. Raggedy Ann Child Face
Here’s another famous symbol with an awesome makeup crossover, made by the talented Persephaney.
This Raggedy Ann Child Face CC converts the makeup from the classic children’s toy into something for your child Sims to wear whenever they want.
From the red nose, triangular bottom lashes, and wide smile, it’s a faithful recreation.
And if you really enjoy the makeup, download the outfit and matching hair too.
5. Snowfall Blush
EvilQuinzel’s Snowfall Blush is fit for an ice queen with its frosty, shiny snowflake design.
If a school pack existed that allowed Children to perform in plays, we could see this look being used for a bit of glam and drama.
Or what about some kind of Arendelle build?
With that said, this 10-swatch overlay can be worn by child-aged Sims and up, and it’s for male and female and all species.
It’s also HQ compatible and located in the blush category.
4. Moles N5
They’re one of my favorite skin details to use in the game.
Who knew such a tiny little spot could add so much character to a face?
I think CC creator Seleng certainly did, when they made their Moles N5 CC set.
This five-swatch creation adds HQ moles to the game in a variety of facial locations, with a lot more detail and dimension than their EA counterparts.
It can be worn by almost all ages and genders by visiting the skin detail category.
3. Kids Facepaint Tattoo V1
As a departure from some of the more elaborate face paints on our list, this Kid’s Facepaint Tattoo CC is a pleasantly simple alternative when it comes to cute makeup designs for children.
There are six total swatches here, including what appears to be a Saturn-like planet with a ring around it.
All Sims can wear this one so nobody gets left out.
Plus it’s base-game compatible, and is located in the freckles category.
2. Colored Braces
One of the best CAS features often overlooked by Simmers (myself included!) has to be braces.
It really makes a world of difference in adding personality to a Sim’s look.
Which is why Glutenfreesims’ Colored Braces go a step further than the EA-made options.
Pick from 14 total options: 12 solid colors and two rainbow swatches.
And since the braces are base game additions themselves, no need to own any packs to use them.
1. Dimples 01
Can you believe that in the entirety of The Sims franchise, we’ve never had an option for dimples in CAS?
It seems like an obvious addition.
But somehow it continues to be an overlooked detail that EA doesn’t seem to give us while creating our pixel people.
As always, CC comes to the rescue in the form of KatVerseCC’s Dimples01.
This 12-swatch collection works with a variety of skin tones, life states, and genders.
It’s amazing how one little overlay can totally change a Sim’s look.