Best Minecraft Skins with Backpacks (Boys + Girls)
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Considering the 2-D nature of Minecraft skins, I never really thought that skins could pull off backpacks.
After a decent bit of research, I have to say I was completely mistaken. Not only can these 2-D pixel skins pull off backpacks, they make them work wonders.
Don’t believe me? Then let’s check out some of these stand-out skin designs.
1. Alex with Backpack

Alex deserves more credit.
Not just because people recognize Steve more than her, but also because her design is way better.
This Alex holds true to the vanilla game’s design but upgrades her into a backpack-wearing adventurer, ready to take on the world.
2. Ram Horn Backpack

The ram horns on this skin might distract you from the skin’s backpack, but don’t let them.
Both are small details on a cute skin. Both somehow elevate the skin way beyond its sweater and boots.
3. Finn the Human

There are few backpack-wearing characters from popular media that are as beloved as Finn the Human from Adventure Time.
It’s hard to argue with the love considering how good the show is and how good his design looks.
4. British Expedition

This skin by creator black_hat will have you and your mates ready to scale a frozen mountain in terrible weather conditions.
You’ll have nothing to fear though with your backpack fully stocked with survival gear: diamond picks and golden apples.
5. Banjo and Kazooie

With their introduction to Smash, Banjo and Kazooie have made a comeback in pop culture, and I’m absolutely here for it.
The bear-breegull duo have been backpack-wearing icons since the late 90s.
And now we can bring them into Minecraft with ease.
6. Explorer Steve

I’m telling you – there’s something about putting on a backpack that just screams “adventure.”
This explorer Steve traded out his blue outfit for a yellow shirt, brown pants, and a backpack, preparing himself for any and all survival scenarios.
7. Dora

I’m excited any time I get to give Dora the Explorer some credit where credit is due. This explorer has one of the best backpacks in the game and also one of the best skins on this list.
8. Thyme

Why did creator tooth ache name this skin “thyme?” I could not tell you.
All I can tell you is that thyme looks like the coolest girl in school, and I stand by that.
9. A Hike in the Forest

Nothing beats a quality hike through nature. That statement counts in both real life and Minecraft (though it is easier, and perhaps more stylish, to do in Minecraft).
10. Pokémon Trainer

I suppose I’ve never really thought about it, but any typical iconic Pokémon trainer skin does include a backpack.
I’ve spent years of my life playing Pokémon and staring at the trainer’s back. I might as well spend some time doing it in Minecraft too.
11. Lifeline

For Apex Legends fans out there, creator Wildflowers put together this Lifeline skin.
I’m not huge on Apex myself, but the art in this skin and its description was so good that I had to give it a shoutout.
12. Chiaki Nanami

The Japanese schoolgirl aesthetic has been popular for ages.
Plenty of characters have pulled the design and character off, one of which is the inspiration for this skin: Chiaki Nanami from the Danganronpa game series.
13. Mr. Strange Face

There are some skins in Minecraft that just ooze internet, and Mr. Strange Face is one of them. I love the weird randomness of it, and of course, I love that stylish green backpack.
14. Ellie (The Last of Us)

The Last of Us has to be one of my favorite games of all time, and Ellie has to be one of my favorite video game characters to boot.
No 14 year old has managed to kick as many zombie butts.
15. Civil War Soldier

Outside of students, no group of people wears backpacks as often as soldiers, and this is an excellent Minecraft rendition of a Civil War soldier.
16. Love Letters Backpack

Creator Rhines just broke open this whole list with their utterly adorable strawberry-colored skin “Love Letters.”
I couldn’t tell you the skin’s inspiration, but it’s such a jaw-dropping design, I couldn’t help but download it.
17. Fionna the Human

Finn gets all the credit because he’s the main character or whatever, but Adventure Time stans know that Fionna the Human is superior in every way.
18. Frog Hat

The greens and yellows on this skin paired with the light brown backpack are just adorable. I can’t get enough of anime-inspired skins like this.
Thankfully, I can download and use these skins to my heart’s content since they’re all free!
19. Flower Backpack Boy

I love skins that pack as much detail and intricate styling as they can manage into the Minecraft skin medium, but you have to admire simple skins like this.
The simplicity makes it shine and makes the details like the backpack with a small flower stand out so much that you can’t help but love it.
20. Cheeseburger Backpack

I adore these skins that use the shape of the character creatively, making the model’s head the backpack.
I also adore Steven Universe.
I suppose it’s no surprise to see this skin in our list.