30 Best Custom Body Presets for The Sims 4
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As someone who started out playing The Sims 3, the CAS system of TS4 blew my mind.
But I’m not going to deny that this system also has pre-programmed limitations. And since bodies are so unique, it’d be impossible to accurately represent all of them within a system so restricted.
That’s why custom body presets are so cool!
They can change a lot of details that EA’s default sliders simply can’t, like fat distribution, torso length, waist height, limb length, and more. Honestly, more body options in a life simulation game are always welcome.
So here’s our collection of custom body presets that you might want to try out for your own Sims.
Quick note before we start:
Bodies come in all different shapes and sizes. I know that weight can be a sensitive topic, so I tried to be as neutral and unbiased as possible in my descriptions. However, if something offends you, please know that I’m simply describing the preset and any details I noticed when testing them. All bodies are beautiful and should be celebrated, and I’m in no position to judge anyone’s shape and size. Thanks!
1. Basic Male Body Presets by Shandir

Let’s start with a one-shot fix for EA’s Male Models, shall we?
This body preset pack by Shandir combines three basic presets that add some subtle modifications to the neck and waist. It allows players to achieve a more slender and feminine body shape for Male Sims.
Really handy if you don’t want to fiddle with custom neck and chest sliders!
2. Best You Ever Had Body Preset by hi-land

TS4 players who prefer their Sims with thicker bodies and softer thighs may appreciate hi-land’s Best You Ever Had preset.
It achieves a more believable look with lumpy thighs and a toned but wider waist.
The shallow creases and folds the creator added to accentuate the body are simple, subtle, and very natural-looking.
3. Glass Preset by dork

This Glass body preset by dork is great for achieving that petite, bone-y look.
It allows the Female Sim model to achieve a frame much smaller, skinnier, and more slender than the default EA body sliders allow.
The CC creator further emphasizes the lack of fat with a visible ribcage, sharp, bony shoulders, and hollow thighs.
4. Body Preset N4 by moony-bonbon

Moony-bonbon’s N4 body preset achieves more or less the same effect as dork’s Glass body preset, only for Male Sim models.
It allows for players to create a smaller, thinner, and more petite Male Sim—complete with visible rib cage, knobby knees, and pronounced collarbones.
5. Lotta Body Preset by kikovanitysimmer

For Sims with that “whole lot to love” body type, kikovanitysimmer’s Lotta body preset is what you need.
It’s thick, curvy, and it holds fat in realistic places and in realistic ways.
The subtle extra details – like the rolls, the pouches, and the folds – just add to the fluffiness of the silhouette.
6. Soft Boi and Dense Boi by narci_cism

This is one of my favorite custom body presets for Sims 4 Males. It’s a very specific body shape that I think is quite common and quite natural.
It actually reminds me of functional body builders who work out purely for strength and not aesthetics.
These bodies are also not possible (or at least very difficult) to achieve with EA’s default body sliders.
The two presets – Soft Boi and Dense Boi – are a godsend for people who feel limited with the default CAS options.
7. Give Me Curves by aranetta

Why hide your cellulite when you can flaunt it?
Some people are okay with them, others aren’t, and that’s perfectly fine.
You do you!
But I personally don’t mind the stretch marks, and I love that TS4 CC creators are finding ways to include them in a game that’s supposed to mimic real life.
This preset? Absolutely fab!
8. Pear Preset by simandy

The name alone should give you a pretty good idea of how this preset is shaped.
I think it’s a fantastic idea considering so many biological women hold more weight in their hips and lower abdomen. All body shapes are lovely, but we always love and welcome representation.
9. Athletic Body Preset 02 by LutessaSims

Broad shoulders, solid thighs, a toned (but not skinny!) waist, and calves that jut out?
The proportions of this Athletic Body Preset 02 are so on-point, it’s beautiful.
If you want your kickass Female Sims to give off major “don’t mess with me” energy, this is the body preset to do it.
10. Enne Body Preset by HuiEn

Here’s another sweet and simple preset for our slender ladies. It tightens up EA’s default “slim” frame with a more swan-like neck, tinier thighs, and sloped shoulders.
This is, apparently, the creator’s second body preset.
I like this one better because the waist – though still quite slim! – is not as exaggeratedly small as the first iteration.
11. A Tease by Screamin Snail

Note: If you scroll down the download page, you’ll notice that the creator posts two other body presets. However, the only one available for download is the A Tease preset.
This preset helps achieve a soft, chubbier, more rounded frame for Male Sims.
It’s kind of like narci_cism’s Soft Boi and Dense Boi presets, only a little smaller in size.
12. More To Love Body Presets by vibrantpixels

I think I mentioned a “more to love” body type a couple presets back but, hey. You can never have too many choices when it comes to body shapes.
Vibrantpixels gives us three options for fuller bodies. Fuller breasts, fuller hips, fuller butts — just generally more meat and squish all around.
13. Shybody Preset by mystelise

A “jellybean-shaped” body (according to the creator’s description) with what feels like a pretty even distribution of fat and weight all around.
Mystelise does say that this preset allows for thick thighs, but I personally feel that the silhouette of this body preset leans more trim and slender.
14. Munchkin Body Preset N3 by moony-bonbon

For all the fun-sized munchkins out there with long torsos and stumpy legs, moony-bonbon’s got the preset for you.
This brings the hips and waist down significantly, resulting in a shorter, smaller-looking silhouette.
Definitely an ideal choice for naturally small Female Sims.
15. Chubby Body Presets by redheadsims

More pear-shaped silhouette options for pear-shaped Female Sims?
Sure, why not?
This is sort of a fuller, rounder variation of simandy’s Pear body preset.
Like I said, it’s very common for women to hold more weight and fat in their hips and thighs. And you know what they say: thick thighs save lives!
16. Strong-Bod Preset by estrojans

According to the creator, this body preset provides “enhanced muscular definition” for Female Sims with an athletic build and frame.
The “enhanced” part of the description is not an exaggeration.
I don’t know if you can call those cuts anymore. They’re full segments.
Gotta admit, though: the overall visuals are genuinely impressive.
17. Tikah Body Preset by NoNvme Studios

For Simmers interested in recreating any of the Kardashians in-game, this Tikah body preset is pretty much that silhouette.
Tiny waist, ample chest, generous hips.
Great if you want to quickly give your Sim that widely sought-after hourglass shape.
18. Dylan Body Preset by simmeraddiction83

Broader shoulders, a more pronounced lower belly pouch, and curvier legs.
These are just some of the features simmeraddiction83 added to their Dylan body preset.
The curves may be a little deeper and the dips little more pronounced, but I’d still categorize this as a common enough build that a lot of people have IRL.
19. Summer Body Preset Pack by Sunflower Petals

Sunflower Petals gives us four beautiful presets of common, “average” body types.
They’re like the Baby Bear (from Goldilocks) of body shapes; not too thin, not too thick, not too toned, not too loose.
All four are literally “just right”.
Love the balance and the slight details (like the hip dips) that the creator added.
20. Summer Body Presets (Male Version) by Sunflower Petals

And here’s the Male version of the previous presets — following the same theme and from the same creator.
Three (instead of four) body types for Male Sims frames that are fairly common and – in terms of weight distribution – fairly balanced.
And there aren’t any extra dips, creases, folds, or textures to indicate otherwise.
21. Cherry Preset by moony-bonbon

This Female Sims frame preset is for Sims with deep curves, shorter torsos, sloped shoulders, and legs for days.
It has two height variations (H1 and H2), with H2 being fairly shorter than H1, which is at the default EA height.
Overall a sweet, simple silhouette that makes Sims look smaller and more petite than they actually are.
22. Pack of Presets by vibrantpixels

This is hands-down one of my favorite custom body preset packs on the list.
Vibrantpixels gives us three bodies and three lips, and they’re all stunning.
I genuinely appreciate how different each body preset is. A full, curvy figure, a toned, athletic frame, and a slender, pear-shaped silhouette.
As far as representation goes, I would consider this range decently inclusive. And all body presets look fantastic in-game, too!
23. Honey Body Preset by Simulation Cowboy

No thigh gaps, thicker arms, and an obvious belly. Simulation Cowboy’s Honey Body preset gives us soft, fluffy Sims with fuller figures and plenty of curves.
There are some obvious clipping issues around the hip area, but only for certain poses.
24. Man Bods Body Preset by vibrantpixels

The creator mentions in the description how weird Male Sims tend to look when you try to give them a bigger shape using EA’s default sliders. Something about the x and z axis limits for the bellies.
I went in myself and, yeah. Now I can’t unsee it.
Makes me appreciate Male-specific body presets like this even more.
Plus it’s a pack, so you get four non-generic options to choose from!
25. Puffy Body CAS Preset by SSNL

This body is definitely lumpy, but it’s the realistic, squishy kind of lumpy that doesn’t look odd or warped at all.
In fact, the more I look at the Sim model used in the preview photos, the more I fall in love with it.
It’s a very interesting – and very realistic – silhouette.
26. American Boy Body Preset by hi-land

Hey, dudes with perfectly-toned physiques do exist.
And if you’d like your Male Sim to embody the consistent-gym-schedule-and-strict-diet-plan energy prevalent in the strong and athletically-inclined, hi-land’s American Boy preset is the ticket to achieving it!
27. Big Daddy Preset by kikovanitysimmer

This custom body preset is aptly named.
Initially I was expecting sort of a bigger, Kingpin-type build, but when I saw the preview photos, yeah.
This softer, rounder, squishier frame makes more sense.
And I like how the creator kept hints of definition to some areas of the body to balance the visuals out.
28. Sweet Body Preset by Simulation Cowboy

Simulation Cowboy’s Sweet Body preset is a personal favorite of mine, too.
I just downloaded it to test it out, but honestly? I feel like I’m keeping it.
I just like the natural curves and dips of this body edit. There’s a lot of softness around the edges that I found incredibly endearing.
As a proud, pear-shaped lass, I will always appreciate wider, fuller hips. Plus, the way the tummy pokes out is really cute!
29. Que Rico! Body Preset Pack by hi-land

According to the creator, the bodies here were inspired by Disney’s Moana.
I don’t see it in the Female frame as much, but for the Male preset? I can see how it was inspired by Maui, definitely.
Broad shoulders, thick neck, legs like tree trunks, and a toned belly that still protrudes over the waistband.
It’s very much a body with muscles that are functional rather than aesthetic, and I absolutely love that energy.
30. Sophie Preset by Miiko

Lastly, we have Miiko’s Sophie preset; an athletic semi-muscular build with toned arms, legs, and abdomens.
The hip bones jut out in a sharp, almost dramatic way, suggesting there isn’t much meat around that area.
However, they’re softened out by the sloped rounded shoulders and full calves.
If you prefer a slender & toned frame, this preset makes quite the attractive silhouette.